Lea Genders Fitness

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My Alternative Rock Running Playlist

I admit I am totally stuck in the ‘90s alternative rock era when it comes to music, but to say the kids these days just don’t know good music makes me sound like a grumpy ol' gal.

I am training for the Cowtown half marathon at the end of the month, so it’s time to start putting together my run-faster playlist. I don’t usually train with music, mostly for safety reasons, because I am running on the road alongside increasingly distracted drivers.

On race day the added boost of musical motivation in my ears helps me both mentally and physically cross the finish line strong. My favorite songs pump me up to cross the finish line a little faster.

In the beginning, I start with slow but driving beats to start my race off at a steady pace: Steady, As She Goes. I remind myself I’m Going the Distance in the middle and Hustle and Cuss a bit as I am nearing the end. I finish strong with the quick tempo from Burn it Down at the end for a fast finish.

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What’s on your favorite race day playlist?

Coach Lea

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