2019: A Year In Pictures (Fitness, Family, Fan-girl Fun)

Sometimes I can’t believe that I've been blogging since 2009. Time flies when you're having fun! The first blog post I ever shared with the world was in January 2009 with a recap of 2008 in pictures—and there started the tradition.

In December of each year, once I'm relatively sure the excitement of the year is behind me, I share my highlights.

Thanks for indulging me as I reflect on 2019—the last year of this decade! It was a great year filled with the people and music that I love most! Fitness, family, fan-girl fun!

IDEA Personal Trainers Institute Convention in Dallas

Sometimes it seems that the year flew by so quickly, but when I think of this event back in March, it feels like so long ago, I can barely remember attending. These fitness trainer events are educational and fun as I earn continuing education credits for my personal trainer certification. Sadly, 2019 was the last year it will be in Dallas. It was fun while it lasted. What I learned that can help you!

Dallas PTI

IDEA World Convention / Shine Influencer Event

For the last five years, I've attended the Fit Approach Sweat Pink Ambassadors event on the west coast at the IDEA World convention. This year the blogger event I usually attended wasn't a part of the conference, but I received an invitation to attend the Shine Influencer event in Anaheim, California. It was a step outside of my comfort zone, but always fun to sweat, learn, and make new friends.

Three unlikely lessons learned at the Shine event.

shine influence event

I met John Berardi, the founder of Precision Nutrition. I wrote this blog post about the five qualities of an effective diet after listening to his lecture.

John Berardi at shine

The Raconteurs Amoeba In-Store Appearance

While I was in LA, I visited an old friend, and she surprised me with Raconteurs tickets to see my beloved Jack White at a Raconteurs appearance at Amoeba Records! Jack doesn't usually allow photography at concerts, so this was one of the few times I could snap pictures of the band.

raconteurs amoeba

Visited Family in Pittsburgh

A few months after the excitement of my west coast trip, we had another trip planned to the east coast to visit family in Pittsburgh.

pittsburgh family

We behaved like tourists and visited Point State Park and Primanti Brothers.


Pittsburgh Steelers

We attended our first-ever Steelers game at Heinz Field with my brother!

pittsburgh steelers tickets
Heinz field

Visited Toledo

Since we were in that neck of the woods, we made the road trip to Toledo, OH to visit my husband's old friends and bandmates.

Russ on drums!

Russ on drums!

Third Man Records in Detroit

Toledo is an hour from Detriot, so I somehow convinced my husband to take me to visit Jack White's house, Third Man Records in Cass Corridor

Third Man Record Cass Corridor

The Raconteurs Pittsburgh

We headed back to Pittsburgh, and we saw the band again at an outdoor venue, Stage AE. The weather was perfect, and we had a great view of the stage. It was my favorite place I've seen Jack (and I've seen him in a lot of places!). These are phone-free concerts, so I never have pictures!

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Ucan Greg McMillan Coaches Dinner

In September I attended a coaches dinner with running coach Greg McMillan. I read his books, so it was a unique opportunity to network with other local coaches and get a book autograph.

Greg McMillan and me in Dallas
dallas area running coaches

August 27th: Our 14 year wedding anniversary

Sushi and wine to celebrate 14 years of wedding bliss. Some days it feels like we blinked, and 14 years flew by.

14 year anniversary

Birthday 45!

Another trip around the sun.

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The Raconteurs (again)

The week of Russ' birthday, he agreed to go to the Raconteurs concert with me! The third time I got to see Jack in one year!


Jack White Played Baseball at Reverchon Park

Make that the fourth time! Jack and his team at Warstick played a ball game at little league Reverchon Park in Dallas. I am not a huge baseball fan, but I'm a Jack White fan, so it was fun watching the game, and standing on the other side of the fence from Jack. Last year he signed autographs after the game, this year he jumped in a black SUV as soon as it was over. I'm not complaining; I had a blast.

jack white reverchon park

We Got a Puppy!

OMG, we got a puppy. He's so sweet, a monster, and thinks we are human chew toys. Ollie is not thrilled with the new addition to the family but seems to be tolerating him. Sorry that we ruined your life, Ollie.

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Pose Method Technique Specialist Certification Course

I attended a two-day Pose Method technique specialist certification course. I learned so much directly from the creator of the Pose Method, Dr. Nicholas Romanov. I am still learning and studying before I take my exam to get certified.

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Cox Running Club Thanksgiving Day 5k (aka The Turkey Trot)

It's our annual tradition to run a turkey trot every year, and I can't believe it was the only race I ran this year! I plan to change that for 2020! It was raining, we didn’t melt and even managed to be thankful.

cox running club thanksgiving day 5k

We had a great year! Thanks to you for following along and giving me this creative outlet to express my passions. I have big dreams for 2020. I hope you’ll stick with me to run strong next year.

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Coach Lea

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