Welcome to my yearly recap! Back in 2009, my humble blogging journey began with an annual review, and it’s a tradition I love to continue. Each year, I take time to reflect on my wins, celebrate the memories, and close the chapter before diving into planning my goals for the new year. 2024 has been a fantastic year of learning and growth—let’s take a look back!
I strive to make this blog valuable for you, not just about me, so thank you for indulging me in this post that’s all about me—I truly appreciate it! Stay tuned for more helpful running, strength training, health, and mindset tips to support you in the new year.
Yearly Recap Bad Poetry Edition:
Jennifer visited, what a thrill,
We barbell-rehabbed to improve our skill
Lifted weights and earned some credit,
In January, strength—no doubt, I hit it!
We built a fence—it was built just right,
Now the yard’s secure, not a neighbor in sight
Saw The Kills with my BFF crew,
Alison Mosshart, a rock queen so true.
Hair flipping, dancing, way past my bedtime,
But worth every riff and rhythm and rhyme
Level 2 Master Coach, I passed the test,
Another step closer to my ultimate quest
With knowledge as power, I’m lighting the way,
Empowering others to seize the day!
In May, my sister flew my way,
A quick lunch at DFW made my day.
Short and sweet, but memories run deep,
Moments like these, forever, I’ll keep.
Twelve weeks of 5Ks in summer’s heat,
Trinity 5000 was no small feat.
Sweat-soaked clothes and a medal or two,
Running all summer, I pushed on through.
To L.A. I went for a beachy vacation,
A pre-birthday bash, 50 celebration.
Then celebrated love with my hubs so sweet,
19 year anniversary—hard to beat
Not the kind with candles,
But riffs and steady beats,
Cake, the band,
For a musical treat.
Turned the big 5-0 with gratitude and cheer,
Surrounded by friends and clients so dear.
I ran a half marathon to mark the day,
Celebrating strength in every way!
And in September, a highlight steep—
Our family added a new-ish Jeep.
Dreams of success float in the air,
I sat for the NBHWC exam, fully prepared!
Pittsburgh family, warm and near,
November wrapped up with holiday cheer.
I passed the NBHWC exam with pride
So to others I can be a shining guide
Ending the year with a grateful heart,
For every lesson and brand-new start.
Thanks, friends! Wishing you a happy and healthy new year!
I am a master health coach, personal trainer, and running coach, dedicated to helping YOU get strong, body and mind!
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