Tomorrow is this mystical time when we’re confident that we will be full of the motivation and discipline that escapes us today, and our all bad habits will cease to have a hold on us. We’ve all said it:
I’ll start over tomorrow.
I’ll go on a diet tomorrow.
I’ll start my workout program tomorrow.
I’ll eat this doughnut now, but tomorrow, I’ll give up sugar.
I’ll enjoy this beer today, and when tomorrow comes, I’ll swear off alcohol.
I’ll get up early to exercise tomorrow, but today, I’ll sleep late.
One last hurrah today, I’ll make better choices tomorrow.
Sound familiar? It sure does to me. I am as guilty as any.
I love this quote from Tim Ferriss
“Tomorrow becomes never. No matter how small the task, take the first step now.”
I always say that tomorrow I won’t be chained to my phone all day. Tomorrow I’ll read more, and write more, and spend less time on social media. Tomorrow I’ll get focused on my business goals. Tomorrow.
We put off the hard stuff until tomorrow. We let ourselves off the hook with a promise of tomorrow. We fantasize that we’ll suddenly and magically change with one more night of sleep. But tomorrow never comes, because there is always a new tomorrow around the corner. Another reason to wait one more day. A new excuse to put off the hard work until another day.
Let’s turn it around. Instead of starting over tomorrow, how about when we feel like giving up, we say instead, “I’ll quit tomorrow.”
When you do not see the results you desire as quickly as you hoped, are frustrated, and ready to throw in the towel: I’ll quit my diet tomorrow.
When you’re too tired or feel too lazy to get in your regular scheduled workout: I’ll skip my workout tomorrow.
Because tomorrow becomes never, what’s most important is what you do today. Make good choices today; Be consistent today; Show up today. So forget about tomorrow. Is what are you doing today moving you one step closer to your goals? The opportunity to get better is only available today, take advantage of it.
If you want to do something tomorrow—give up tomorrow.
Are you like me? Do you tend to think tomorrow you’ll magically get your shit together? Instead of planning on changing your whole life tomorrow, do something small today.
If you want to quit, you have my permission to do it tomorrow, because tomorrow doesn’t matter, it is what you do today that counts.
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If you've ever wondered whether you're addicted to sugar, this blog post is for you. The good news? You have more control than you might think. With a few mindset shifts and intentional habits, you can train your brain to enjoy sugar without feeling controlled by it—finding balance without deprivation for a healthier, more sustainable approach.