Do you want to want to run stronger, faster, longer, and with a reduced chance of injury? If so, resistance training should be your new best running friend.
I know a lot of runners shy away from strength training, and I get it. I used to be just like you. I only wanted to run. I loved to run, and any exercise that wasn't running felt like a chore that was taking away from the limited training hours I had. Sound familiar?
The good news is you don't need to spend hours in the gym, spend a lot of money on heavy equipment, or have a place to store it all. You can get started improving your performance with a few runner-specific exercises using resistance bands.
Once you see the benefits of resistance training for runners, you'll never go back. Focus on exercises that specifically can help improve your performance and guard against injuries. These fabric loop resistance bands will build strong and mobile hips to power your stride.
I am an ambassador for ProsourceFit, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to I personally own or have used these products and can recommend them based on my positive experience.
Use discount code Alea10 for 10% off Fabric Loop Resistance Bands
I love these new fabric loop resistance bands from ProsourceFit. I am an ambassador because I want to share the products that can help you run stronger (and they offer a discount to my clients and readers on their already reasonable pricing). I only promote products that I use and love. (You may notice that this blog does not have a lot of sponsored content from different brands, I am very selective with the brands I choose to work with.)
Use discount code Alea10 for 10% off fitness products on
Why Fabric Resistance Bands?
They are heavy duty with non-slip grip.
They are not going to snap like latex bands.
They won't roll mid exercise like latex bands.
They won't catch on your leg hair (what? We're in the middle of a world pandemic).
They are portable and convenient! Try bringing them with you to the track and do a few exercises before your running workout.
They are a fraction of the price than other manufacturers of similar products with the same high quality.
How To Get The Best Results With Resistance Training
The key to getting results with resistance training is to increase the workload slowly as you get stronger.
If you do the same workout over and over without making it harder as you get stronger, it becomes less effective as your body adapts.
You can keep improving by increasing the number of reps you do, increasing the number of sets, increasing the difficulty of the exercise, or increasing the resistance over time. You can easily move to a heavier band as you improve to avoid stalls in progress.
Green - Light resistance 20-37 lbs
Grey - Medium resistance 30-46 lbs
Black - Heavy resistance 40-55 lbs
You can buy the set at a reasonable price plus use my discount code ALea10 for an additional 10% off.
Fabric Loop Resistance Band Workout Exercises
I am using green bands for light resistance in each of these exercises.
Squat to Alternating Leg Lifts
The squat is an essential exercise for any athlete, but runners will benefit by adding in lateral leg lifts. When we run, we only move in one plane of motion. If we don’t intentionally strengthen the muscles used to move laterally, we can develop muscle imbalances that could lead to injury.
Lateral Step Variations
These runner-specific exercises strengthen the Glute Medius, a must for any runner. Remember to move in both directions. Try taking 8-12 steps in one direction, then lead with the opposite leg and take 8-12 steps back for one set.
Learn more: Why Runners Need to Strengthen the Glute Medius.
Coach Dale on duty!
Bridge Variations
The bridge exercise builds hip and core stability and is an active hip flexor stretch.
Resisted Bicycle Variations
Build hip strength and mobility with a resisted bicycle.
Band-assisted Pushups
Resistance bands can sometimes serve another purpose than resistance, and that is assistance! That means they can help make an exercise easier if the standard is too difficult. Band-assisted pushups can be helpful to learn the movement pattern, to engage the appropriate muscles, and build confidence and strength. Place the band around your biceps while in the high plank position to provide a bounce at the bottom of the pushup to help where you need it most.
Fabric Loop Resistance Bands Workout
Start with one set of 8-12 reps of each exercise (choose the variation shown that is most appropriate for your fitness level).
Move from one exercise to the next with little rest between moves. If you start with eight reps, try to increase the reps at each workout until you get to 12.
Each week add an additional set. For example in week two you will run through each exercise in a circuit fashion with little to no rest between moves, then rest for one minute, and repeat the circuit.
In week three you will do it three times, and in week four, four times.
After four weeks try to increase the resistance or difficulty of the exercises. This may be the time to consider incorporating dumbbells or kettlebells and more exercise variations into your workouts.
How to Fit in Resistance Training and Running
Try the resistance band workout before any runs in your week that lasts thirty minutes or less. It can serve as a strength workout and a warmup for your running workout.
I prefer to do my running workouts and strength workouts on the same day (if possible) because it allows more days in my week for rest and recovery.
You can also do these workouts on non-running days as long as you still have a rest day (or two).
For best results, most athletes need at least one or two full rest days from running and strength training per week. You get stronger and improve during the recovery period after the workout, not during the workout itself, so it's essential not to skip the rest days to get the full benefit from your hard work!
Give it a try and let me know how it goes in the comments or on Instagram.
Head over to and use discount code Alea10 to save 10% on your own bands.
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