Perfect Pumpkin Workout For Fall — Lea Genders Fitness

Perfect Pumpkin Workout For Fall

I’m a summer girl. I like hot weather and blazing sunshine. While most people are ushering summer out like a distant relative overstaying their welcome, I mourn its passing into fall. Dramatic? Maybe.

Fall and winter have good qualities, I know. For one, much more pleasant running weather, outdoor workouts, fall fashion (for me, leggings instead of shorts), and of course, pumpkin everything!

I am trying my best to welcome fall and everything it offers, so I created this fun workout to get outside and have a little pumpkin fun! What’s the difference between a 12-pound medicine ball and a 12-pound pumpkin? The taste!

Try this full-body runner-specific strength workout with your favorite pumpkin.

  • Perform 6-12 reps (on each side, if applicable)

  • Perform 1-3 sets of each exercise

  • Rest for 30 seconds to one minute between sets

Pumpkin Lunge with Twist

Pumpkin Lunge with Twist

Pumpkin Squat with Overhead Press

Pumpkin Lift & Chop

Pumpkin Lateral Lunge

Pumpkin Single-Leg Deadlift with Row

Pumpkin Walking Lunge with Twist

Offset Pumpkin Push Up

Pumpkin Russian Twist

What do you say? Will you carve out some time to do this pumpkin workout? Then you can carve the pumpkin and make a nice pie. Deal?

13.1 jack-o-lantern

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Coach Lea
