What’s in your runner’s survival kit? It’s a question I posed on my Instagram page last month. What do we need to survive our running journey? Is it coffee, or a running partner? Chapstick, or anti-chafing cream?
I’d love your input. What gets you through a tough run or a long training cycle? What’s your saving grace? Whether it’s big or small, literal or figurative, what keeps you running, even when the running gets tough?
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The Ultimate Runner’s Survival Kit: What’s in Yours?
A runner partner (BRF- Best Running Friend, which may have two or four legs)
A “Keep-Going” Playlist
Anti-chafing cream
Hair ties (and an extra on your wrist, just in case)
Favorite running shoes
Morning coffee
Water bottle
Energy gels or granola bars
Pepper Spray
Shoe inserts
A home pedicure kit
A post-run selfie shared to social media
Wet wipes
Dry shampoo
Running lights
Supportive sports bra
A motivating blog
Need a gift for your favorite runner to celebrate an accomplishment or to kick off a new training cycle? Buy a gift basket, fill it with some of these runner’s necessities, and label it the Runner’s Survival Kit. Include an iTunes or Amazon music gift card, a motivating running book, and some of these inexpensive goodies, and it will be a gift that any runner will surely love.
What did I miss? What’s in your runner’s survival kit? Let me know in the comments.
Free Hair Tie For My Readers
Want one of my favorite hair ties to add to your own Runner’s Survival Kit? Subscribe to my blog and I’ll send you one in the mail (US only). Yay for good mail days! No strings attached. If you get sick of me you can unsubscribe anytime. No hard feelings!
Offer expires February 28, 2019
Must have US shipping address

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