This month my husband and I are challenging ourselves to prepare and eat all meals at home. Read about the benefits of eating at home, how to prepare for the challenge, and to overcome obstacles. Are you in for an eat at home challenge? How hard would it be to avoid restaurant meals for a month?
Flashback Friday: Three Steps To Set Up Your Environment For Dieting Success
There are three steps to set up your environment for dieting success. 1. Clean out your pantry and fridge so the foods that are close at hand support your goals. 2. Go grocery shopping and buy the types of foods that help you achieve your nutrition plans. 3. Meal prep so that you have healthy foods convenient and available for when you are tired, late, stressed, and frazzled. Explore these blog posts for more tips for success.
3 Nutrition Habits To Improve Your Running Performance
You don’t have to overhaul your diet to see results and improvements in running performance. Instead, develop these habits to simplify your nutrition and diet strategy. 1. Eat minimally-processed foods. This alone will correct most issues with diets. 2. Eat adequate protein to support your goals. 3. Drink enough water. Simple enough to execute right away.
Flashback Friday: Running For Weight Loss Round-Up
If you have questions about running and weight loss, I’ve rounded up the blog posts to help you with answers. Why do I gain weight during marathon training? What to do when your weight loss plateaus from running. Are you running for performance, or running for weight loss? And why it matters that you choose one. I finish my personal story of how I used running as part of my strategy for permanent fat loss.