"I will enjoy the holidays and start over my health goals on January first."
Have you ever said this? What if you can enjoy the holidays and not push health and fitness out of your mind? What if you don’t have to start all over from scratch in the new year? What if you could adopt healthy behaviors to help you feel better and more energetic during this busy time without adding additional stress?
I invite you to join my 9-week healthy habits holiday challenge! I've put together nine weekly habits to help you finish the year strong by building healthy habits while still enjoying the holidays.
The biggest lesson I want you to learn over the next nine weeks is that a healthy lifestyle isn't something you switch on and off. It's not an all-or-nothing choice. You can enjoy cheesecake and live a healthy lifestyle. You can miss a workout (or three) and still live a healthy lifestyle. You are permitted to have a crazy life and do the best you can with what you have. It's healthier to have balance than it is to have extreme diet restrictions or throw all health concerns out the window to "start over in January." You don't have to choose 100% healthy or 100% Indulgence; you can find a comfortable place in the middle. Not perfect, but good enough.
If we spend the time to build healthy habits, it's easier to stay on track when life gets crazy. If we don't beat ourselves up for eating the cookie or enjoying the cocktail, we can move on to our next healthy meal without guilt. It's what we do most of the time that matters; there is room for treats in a healthy lifestyle.
This challenge isn't about making crazy diet commitments, food restrictions, or following intense workout plans. It's about building healthy habits that lay the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.
Each week, we will work on one small practice that can fit into your day, even when your day includes work, family, kids, friends, holiday parties, and shopping. The key to the challenges over the next nine weeks is that they are achievable, no matter how busy your life gets.
If you build on the challenges week after week, adding new habits while continuing to work on the existing ones, you'll finish the year on a healthy foot and set yourself up to reach all your health and fitness goals next year.
A mistake people make is that they let themselves off the hook entirely around the holidays with a promise to start over on New Year's Day. Even if you can't exercise, and healthy nutrition feels impossible, do what you can. Any effort is better than pushing health and fitness out of your mind. Life tends to ebb and flow. Do what you can while things are crazy, then do more when life slows down a bit.
If you have been looking for ways to make healthy changes without feeling like you've screwed up every time you miss a day or eat something sweet, then this is the challenge for you.
Challenge is free with discount code FREEFORFRIENDS
($9 for nine weeks for anyone else! - your friends are my friends, so feel free to share the code.)
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If you've ever wondered whether you're addicted to sugar, this blog post is for you. The good news? You have more control than you might think. With a few mindset shifts and intentional habits, you can train your brain to enjoy sugar without feeling controlled by it—finding balance without deprivation for a healthier, more sustainable approach.