Has this year flown by, or what? I am wrapping up 2023 and reflecting on the year gone by. Reflecting on the past year can be helpful before moving forward with goals for the new year. I want to share my process with you as I work on mine.
Asking yourself important questions about the past year can help shape how you approach goal-setting. Being honest with your answers is essential, but no self-judgment is allowed. Writing (or typing) out your answers is also helpful, not just thinking about them.
What went well, and why? What specific actions did you take? How did the successes of the year make you feel? How can you replicate those actions and feelings in the new year?
Did you step out of your comfort zone this year? How did that go? Try to frame your answers as either success or learning. If it didn't go as planned, what did you learn, and how can you apply those lessons? If you didn't step out of your comfort zone, could it be something you want to try in the new year?
In what ways did you feel stuck or stagnant? Were there changes you hoped to make that didn't materialize? Decide if these things are still priorities and if so, how to break it down to make the action steps towards that change smaller. You can't do it all, but usually, you can do something. How can you make a plan to move forward?
What did you learn about yourself? Did you surprise yourself? In what ways have you grown? Can you build on the positives?
How do you want to feel in the new year? Often, the goal is not the goal; it's how achieving that goal will make us feel. Start doing the things that make you feel strong, accomplished, successful, or confident (or however you want to feel). Start as small as you need to, and build on those tiny successes.
Answering these questions can clarify your goals for the new year so that you aren't making goals because you think you should or goals that don't align with what you want deep down or make sense with your lifestyle. It can also highlight what is holding you back so you can start bringing awareness to it and move forward.
Remember, the goal of year-end reflections is not just to dwell on the past but to gain insights that can inform your future decisions and actions. Adjust your approach as needed and stay flexible in adapting to new challenges and opportunities. I'd love to hear how it goes for you.
How can I help you with your fitness and wellness?
I am in the midst of a six-month master health coach course to sit for the NBHWC (National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching) to get board-certified as a health coach. It's been a growth experience, and I look forward to the person/coach I will be when this is over.
It has led me to update my website, some offers, and a subtle but meaningful shift in my approach to coaching.
I don't often use my blog for sales purposes. Once a year, I like to send a reminder that I have offers that may be helpful to you, but as always, the goal of my blog is to provide free, useful running, strength training, and health information.
As you think about your goals for the new year, I want to remind you that I offer a variety of free and paid courses, group run coaching, individual running, and in-person and virtual strength training offers.
First, time is running out on my Black Friday offer for 75% off all self-guided (no coaching) training plans. If you need the structure of a training plan but don't need or want ongoing coaching, this is a great, low-cost offer that expires on the first of the new year. The pricing is already low, so the 75% off offer coupon code BF2023 gets you these plans for mere dollars. This deal is not valid for any in-person, virtual, or group coaching.
If free is more your style, you can get a taste of what these courses are like with my free foam rolling course.
If you are a runner or walker local to Fort Worth (or willing to travel for race day), I am coaching a virtual group training for the Cowtown half marathon. Starting in January, we will meet weekly over Zoom for training-related topics (pacing, running form, injury prevention, mental strategies, nutrition, stress management/recovery, foam rolling, and much more)! I provide individual training plans and coaching for each group member, and then we do our workouts independently for the training cycle. It would help if you were somewhat comfortable running (or walking) six miles to jump into this training. We've had great success with runners and walkers of all paces and abilities and would love to have you. We have a few spots open; email me to learn more.
I offer online and in-person training and run coaching near Fort Worth, TX. My life’s mission is to help runners get strong and feel confident on the race course and in life. Whether you are interested in runner-specific strength training to improve performance or have aesthetic and strength goals, I'd love the opportunity to help. In-person spots are extremely limited, so please reach out soon if interested!
I am offering dedicated health coaching with weekly 30-minute Zoom sessions at a reduced cost as I complete my course. These collaborative coaching sessions will help you reach your wellness-related goals by developing skills, actions, and practices that work within your current lifestyle and abilities. If you are someone who knows what to do but doesn't follow through or is overwhelmed with what to do, these can be helpful sessions to make sustainable changes.
When you fill out any coaching application/assessment, you get a free, no-obligation custom macro, calorie, and portion guide. Always free to anyone in any of my paid programs. Just ask!
I'll continue to post relevant blog posts to help you with running, strength training, and wellness topics, and I am on Instagram at @fortworth_trainer doing the same over there (and I follow back all public fitness-related accounts).
Whatever you do to better your health and wellness, I am here to support you, even if it is to give you a virtual high five!
Happy New Year, friends! Here is to a happy and healthy 2024!
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If you've ever wondered whether you're addicted to sugar, this blog post is for you. The good news? You have more control than you might think. With a few mindset shifts and intentional habits, you can train your brain to enjoy sugar without feeling controlled by it—finding balance without deprivation for a healthier, more sustainable approach.