With Rocketbook smart notebooks you can take notes by hand, upload, transcribe, and organize them digitally. Learn how I use it for my fitness, health, exercise tracking, and goals, plus download the free workout templates I created.
Generation X(Perience Analog)
I am in the generation that grew up in an analog world before everything went digital. I took a typing class in high school that used actual typewriters, and in my early twenties, we still used carbon paper and an imprint machine to accept credit card payments at my retail job.
My friends and I took pictures with a disposable camera and rushed to the film-developing store only to wait several days to find out they were mostly duds. I didn't have Pinterest to help plan my wedding and all the evidence from my awkward years aren’t living forever anywhere except in my nightmares.
I am not telling you all this to remind you how old I am (47 as I write this), just that I made it through my teens and into my early twenties before computers were fully integrated into my life. I fully embrace technology, but I still have a soft spot for physical media. After all, for two decades, they were my only choice. I prefer to read from a book. I learn and study better when I have a physical textbook rather than a digital one, and I like to take notes and write on paper. There's even evidence that writing and drawing allow you to retain and absorb information better than typing it.
So when I learned about Rocketbook, I was intrigued. I will stop here to tell you this is not a sponsored post; I am not being paid or compensated for sharing, and I purchased my notebooks with my own hard-earned money. I wanted to share because it's been such a game-changer, and I think it can help you too, especially regarding health and fitness goals.
While I like notebooks and planners, I usually run into a few issues:
I buy planners because they are pretty or inspirational but never use them to their full potential (i.e., I write in them for a day or two and forget about it for six months until a new shiny planner catches my attention on the store shelf).
I write notes, but then I never go back and reread them, or I end up flipping through endless notebooks looking for one specific thought that I can't seem to find again.
The other issue I have, which led me to the Rocketbook, is that I need to keep track of my client's sessions and progress as a personal trainer. While I use a workout app for my own training, fumbling on a phone or device during a training session with a client isn't ideal; besides, it's in poor form (pun intended) for a trainer to be looking at a phone during a session. I need to keep good records of exercises, weight used, reps, and the number of sets, and sometimes I need to jot quick notes about the session, such as "use heavier weight next time" or scheduling their next appointment. I would usually print out the workout, bring it to my session to take notes then manually enter that information online afterward.
Rocketbook is a physical notebook where you can digitally save the pages, transcribe, organize and load them into the cloud. You write with a special pen (FriXion) on special paper, then using the Rocketbook app, upload your notes to various online platforms of your choice. I either load to google drive, my work email (for work notes to save to my work computer), or a board on (free) Trello for each training client. Once loaded to Trello, I can organize by the client to keep a history of my notes with them.
I am using it for all my client sessions any random notes I might want to take during the day; I am also experimenting with it for habit tracking and goal setting.
Once you take notes, you can wipe the page clean with water after loading them, and you have a clean page and your notes saved. The ink doesn't smudge as a whiteboard might; it only comes off with water.
You can name your file before loading by placing the file's name between two hashtags like this ##Lea blog ideas 03.22.22##, and you can search your notes by keywords in the app. It even can transcribe your handwritten notes to text.
Ways To Use Rocketbook for Fitness, Health, Workout Tracking
The first way is as I described above using the digital notebook.
Write out a daily meal plan
Write your daily gratitude list
Use it as a habit tracker
Use it as a workout tracker
Track your daily runs
Write down your goals and action steps
I did a deep dive into the Rocketbook community to learn the tips and tricks from the userbase. Many people create templates by carefully using a sharpie on their Rocketbook pages, so the templates remain when you wipe away the pen! This method is brilliant for the artistically inclined (i.e., not me)
The 2nd way is to create printed templates then save and organize them online with the Pocketbook app. There is a code at the bottom of the page for templates, which makes it work with the app.
With this method, you don't have special paper or pen, just a way to save and organize notes. You don't even have to buy a Rocketbook to do it, there are plenty of free templates on the internet for download, or you can create your own as I did.
Clearly, with this method, you aren't saving paper, but it still is an effective way to save and organize notes while not having to keep a stack of physical documents or notebooks.
The great news is that you don't have to buy anything while you play around with templates and the app. If you find a system that works for you, I recommend purchasing a notebook or planner.
Download Free Rocketbook Workout Templates
Workout template version one
Habit tracker (I did not create this concept, but I converted it to a Rocketbook template)
Weekly running log
Workout template version two
Healthy Planner page
I'm no graphic designer, but I created a few templates that meet my needs. When I was searching online for a basic workout template, I had trouble finding anything, so I think this might be helpful for those looking for Rocketbook exercise templates.
You can also make your own by using these printable Rocketbook pages from their site.
Try it out, and let me know how it goes! I'd love to hear about how you are using Rocketbook smart notebooks as a tool to help you reach your health and fitness goals.
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