Many runners want to get faster but are unsure how to get there. If you've been running for months or years at the same pace, doing the exact workouts, and not making much progress, this month-long program will set you up to begin your speed training journey!
The most significant factors for improving pace are volume and rest. Yes, volume. Not intervals, not hill repeats, not track workouts. Not that those things don't matter or we won’t do them, it's just that the best way to improve your easy pace is to run more miles, more often.
The problem with adding more volume to your current training to increase your running speed is that if you start to pile on a bunch of miles all at once, you also increase your injury risk.
So what is a runner to do? Run more to run faster, but running more can lead to injury if not done correctly. To run more is to run slower. Many runners (new and experienced alike) make this mistake: they run too fast in their everyday runs. Then because they run too fast, their bodies can't adequately recover between workouts, leading to burnout or injury. Then injury leads to time off. Start the cycle over, and that runner never gets faster or better.
In this program, I will help you determine your individual pace to run easy and to run speed workouts for the best results. I will teach you how to safely and slowly add more volume. It will help you improve your easy pace, to move faster at a speed that feels easier. And naturally, when your easy pace feels more effortless, your hard pace or your race pace moves faster too.
I developed this speed training program for runners consistently running at least 15-20 miles per week for the last eight-to-twelve weeks. If you have not been keeping up with regular runs, build an eight-to-twelve-week base and come back to me at that time. With this base-building period, you will have a better experience and reduce your chance of injury.
Who this training is NOT for:
New runners or runners who haven't been consistent in the last twelve weeks
Runners who are unable to run a 5K
Runners in the middle to end of marathon training or currently working with another coach
Runners who expect a significant jump in paces. Getting faster is a long process that takes months or years of consistent training. This training is intended to kick off that process
Runners who are not willing to trust the process
What you get with this speed training program
Four weeks of online running workouts with a running coach
Training on strategies to improve pace over time
Individualized pacing and volume guidelines based on your experience and current fitness level
Education on recovery, nutrition, and lifestyle habits to maximize results
Baseline and time trial workouts
Personalized running workouts four to six times per week depending on your current experience
Access to an online website to communicate with the coach, troubleshoot, ask questions, and get feedback
A small cohort of 10 partipicants per month to guarantee individual focus
Beta group: Heavily discounted for the first month to help test the group training program
After four weeks, you can extend your training to pay for another month if you wish to continue to progress or take the knowledge you gained and continue on your own
See my other training options by clicking on the Work With Me button.
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