Unlock Your Health Potential: Free Coaching Sessions Available for a Limited Time!

A Journey Rooted in Writing

My core purpose in writing this blog has always been to share free, valuable, and actionable insights to support your health and fitness goals. I've been blogging long before becoming a coach, starting in 2009. My initial motivation for earning my first training credential from NASM in 2015 was to lend more authority to my writing. Coaching people wasn't part of the plan, but life has a way of leading us down unexpected paths.

Over the years, I've had the privilege of working with many running, personal training, and health and wellness clients.

You know what they say: you only see where the path will lead once you start down it. I never imagined I'd be here today, helping many of you achieve your health and fitness goals.

While I often include links to my coaching services in my blog posts, I make a point not to be a sales-oriented blog. I want to help people, even those who can't or don't want to hire me as their coach. I’m here to help! So, I hope you will forgive me for this rare post promoting my services directly, but I need your help!

This is where you come in.

I am thrilled to offer you an opportunity to kickstart or improve your health and fitness journey with personalized, client-centered coaching sessions—completely free of charge! As a certified personal trainer, running coach, and health coach, my passion lies in helping people like you achieve their wellness goals and live their best lives.

Why Am I Offering Free Coaching Sessions?

My next big goal is to take the National Board of Health & Wellness Coaches (NBHWC) board certification exam. If you have been following along, you know I recently earned my Precision Nutrition Level 2 master health coach certification, an NBHWC-approved course. I also recently passed my physical skills assessment (oral coaching exam), which has elevated me to the next step in the process.

To qualify to apply to take the board exam, I must log 50 coaching calls; this is where you come in! By participating in these free coaching sessions, you will benefit from tailored guidance, which will help me reach my certification goal. It's a win-win.

What Can You Expect from Your Free Coaching Session?

I plan each session with your unique needs and goals in mind. Whether you aim to lose weight, build muscle, or adopt healthier lifestyle habits, I support you at every step. Here's what you can expect:

  • Personalized Coaching: I will tailor every session to your health and fitness objectives.

  • Actionable Advice: You will receive practical tips and strategies you can immediately implement daily.

  • No Pressure: This is a no-strings-attached offer. There is absolutely no sales pressure to sign up for additional services. My goal is to provide value and support during our free session.

Who Can Benefit from These Sessions?

  • People looking to start their fitness journey

  • Someone who is stuck or plateaued and needs help with the next steps

  • Anyone wanting to adopt healthier habits

  • Those needing motivation and accountability to achieve their goals

How to Sign Up for Your Free Session

Please note that this is a limited-time offer, and spots will likely fill up quickly, so don't miss your chance!

Sign Up Here: Free Health Coaching Session

Why Wait? Start Your Journey Today!

This is an incredible opportunity to receive professional coaching at no cost while helping me achieve my certification goals. Whether you're a long-time reader or new to my blog, I invite you to take advantage of this offer. Let's work together to make your health and fitness dreams a reality.

Thank you for your continued support. I look forward to helping you reach your full potential!


Q: How will we meet for sessions?

A: All sessions will be online using Google Meet or by phone.

Q: How long is each session?

A: Each coaching session will last approximately 30 minutes. Most appointment availability will be in the evening in Central Time (CT)

Q: What happens after the free session?

A: You are not obligated to continue beyond the free session. However, if you find the coaching valuable and wish to continue, we can discuss further options.

Q: I am a former client of yours. Do I still qualify?

A: Yes! I'd love to see you again.

Q: I am a current client. How does this affect my sessions?

A: If you are a current personal training or run coaching client without health coaching, we can add a health coaching session to your schedule.

A: If you are a current client who does health coaching sessions, we can increase the frequency of sessions for this limited time. For example, if we meet every other week for health coaching, we can meet once a week at your convenience.

Q: We’re friends. Can I sign up?

A: I'm sorry, but according to the NBHWC rules, friends and family cannot participate in these fifty coaching sessions. (But text me, let’s do lunch.)

Q: When will this offer expire?

A: This offer will expire once I satisfy the fifty coaching sessions required to submit my board application.

Thank you once again for your support and trust. Together, we can achieve great things!

Do you know someone who might benefit from coaching? It helps me when you share with your friends and followers.

Questions? I’d love to help.

Coach Lea

I am a personal trainer, running coach, and master health coach dedicated to helping runners get strong, body and mind!

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