Rock 'n' Reps Pyramid Workout

Are you ready to Rock 'n' Rep? Welcome to the latest edition of Workout Wednesday! This week I have a quick workout for you to try after your next easy run. It's the Rock 'n' Reps Pyramid workout. The rock part is an isometric hold. This means you hold the position for the time indicated. You can you use a timer or just count one-mississippi, two-mississippi, etc. Then perform the assigned amounts of reps for each exercise. 


5 second isometric squat hold, 5 reps
10 second isometric squat hold, 10 reps
15 second isometric squat hold, 15 reps
10 second isometric squat hold, 10 reps
5 second isometric squat hold, 5 reps


5 second isometric plank, 5 push-ups
10 seconds isometric plank, 10 push-ups
15 second isometric plank, 15 push-ups
10 seconds isometric plank, 10 push-ups
5 seconds isometric plank, 5 push-ups


5 second isometric bridge hold, 5 reps
10 second isometric bridge hold, 10 reps
15 second isometric bridge hold, 15 reps
10 second isometric bridge hold, 10 reps
5 second isometric bridge hold, 5 reps

This is also a fun one to try if you have a partner. One partner would perform the reps while the other partner holds and then switch roles before you work up and down the pyramid time/reps.

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