The Holiday Hustle: The Eight Minute No-Equipment No-Excuses Workout

Welcome to the latest edition of Workout Wednesday when each week I share a new running or strength training for runners workout, Lately, I've been on a holiday-theme kick. While some people are putting up lights and trees, I've been decorating my blog with holiday workouts and articles. Last week we did the Turkey Burner treadmill workout and the week before I shared all my holiday workouts from last year. 

Today's workout is the Holiday Hustle. No time to workout? No Gym? No equipment? No problem. This no-excuses full body workout takes just eight minutes and you can slide the couch out of the way and do it in your living room. You don't need a lot of space or time to get this workout done.

It's perfect for those busy days this holiday season when you think you don't have time to workout. An eight minute workout is still better than an hour long workout that you intended to do, but never got around to it. Get it? Something is better than nothing. 

If you have some time then maybe run through it twice for a total of 16 minutes or go crazy and do three sets for 24 minutes. You don't even have to do them all at once. Do it in the morning and then again in the evening. The idea is to do something when you think you don't have the time to do anything. No excuses for this one.

Grab a timer or download an interval app on your phone and let's get started.

The Holiday Hustle No Equipment No Excuses Workout. Download a printable PDF of this workout. Save to Pinterest for later.

The Holiday Hustle No Equipment No Excuses Workout. Download a printable PDF of this workout. Save to Pinterest for later.

There are four circuits in the holiday hustle workout. Each circuit consists of two strength moves and a cardio move. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds with no rest between exercises followed by 30 seconds of rest before moving on to the next circuit. You want to move quickly through the exercises while paying attention to proper form.



With your feet hip width apart and your toes pointing straight ahead, take a large step backward with your right leg, so your right knee almost touches the floor and your left leg lunges at a 90 degree angle. Do not allow your left knee to move forward past your toe. As you lunge back lift both arms straight in the air in line with your ears. Push back up to starting position and lower your arms. Alternate sides for 30 seconds. 


Stand against a wall and lower your body to a squat position so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight, your core engaged and your arms pressed into the wall. Do not rest your hands on your knees or lean forward. Hold in the low position for 30 seconds. (If you can't hold for 30 seconds straight, break it up into 3 sets of 10 seconds or 2 sets of 15 secs with short breaks in between.)


Just like in gym class (sorry to bring back bad memories...what? just me?) Keep your arms as straight as possible. Perform 30 seconds of jumping jacks to get your heart rate up. 

Rest for 30 seconds before moving onto the next circuit.



Push a chair with a medium to high back up against a wall for stability. With your body in a straight line from your shoulders to ankles and your core engaged get in the standard straight arm plank position with your hands gripping the top of the chair. Bend your arms to lower your chest towards the chair. Straighten your arms to press back up to starting position. Repeat for 30 seconds.


Push the back of your chair against the wall for stability. Sit in the chair. Move your body forward so you are holding yourself up on the front edge of the chair with your arms straight while keeping your back close to the chair. Slowly bend your elbows to lower your body in front of the chair. Elbows should point directly behind you, not out to the sides. Straighten your arms to return to the starting position. Repeat for 30 seconds.


Stand up straight with your feet hip width apart. Jump from one foot to the other while using your core to lift your knee to hip height. Swing your arms with each rep. Touch the ground with the balls of your feet quickly moving back and forth between legs for 30 seconds. 

Rest for 30 seconds before moving onto the next circuit.



Start with your feet hip width apart, your toes pointing forward, your back straight and chest up. Push your hips back and lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor (or as low as your flexibility allows) like you are sitting in a chair. In the low position engage your core, squeeze your glutes and push up to standing while putting your weight into your heels. Repeat for 30 seconds


Stand facing the chair. Starting with your right leg step up on the bench pressing your weight into your heel. Lift your left leg off the ground and drive your knee up towards your chest then rest your left leg on the chair. Step your left leg back to the ground, followed by your right leg. Repeat on other leg. Repeat for 30 seconds


Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and feet pointing straight ahead. Jump up and kick your right heel to your butt, then your left, while being careful not to arch your back. Move quickly, land softly on the balls of your feet and repeat for 30 seconds with control.

Rest for 30 seconds before moving onto the next circuit.



Position your elbows on the floor with your shoulders directly over your elbows. Your body should be in a straight line parallel to the floor. Engage your core (brace your stomach like someone is about to punch you). Hold it tight. Be careful not to sink your hips or raise your butt in the air. Do not clasp your hands in front of you. Keep your neck neutral. Hold for 30 seconds. If you can not hold for 30 seconds, break it up into two 15 second reps or three 10 second reps. More tips on proper form on planks in this blog post.


With a straight arm lift yourself up into a side plank position. Your shoulders should be stacked directly over your wrists so that your arm is straight up and down (not at an angle). Don't allow your hips to drop. Lower yourself to a straight arm plank with both arms on the ground then switch to the other side. Repeat for 30 seconds.


Start in a straight arm plank position with shoulders directly over wrists. Bring one knee up to the chest, then jump back to plank position and repeat with opposite foot. Move as quickly as possible while keeping your core engaged and back straight. Repeat for 30 seconds. 

Rest and repeat!

No time to exercise? Give this holiday hustle workout a try and let me know how it goes.

Like this post? It helps me when you share with your friends and followers. 

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What happens when you have good intentions over the holidays, but the temptations get the best of you, and you over-indulged? You ate more than you wanted, you drank more than you planned and your calorie deficit is now defunct? Never fear, I am here to help you get back on track after the holiday meal with the clean slate approach.


Welcome to the latest edition of Workout Wednesday, when each week I share a new running or strength training workout. Last week I shared three holiday-themed workouts to get you through the season. 

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the United States, so I thought it would be fun to do a turkey-themed running workout! This is a quick and efficient workout that can be done in under 30 minutes on a treadmill or on the street with a timer. Get it done on Thanksgiving morning or anytime over the long weekend. Maybe you can even recruit your family for a fun holiday-themed workout where everyone works at their own ability. 

It's important to me to note while I call this workout the turkey burner, it is not intended as punishment for your Thanksgiving dinner. You don't need to workout any longer or harder than usual because you may indulge over the holiday. Enjoy your meal with your family. Really enjoy it. Then go back to your normal healthy way of eating the very next meal.

We don't have to pay penance for our food with extra long or hard workouts. Exercise is not punishment. We want exercise to be something we do because it make us feel good, it makes us feel strong and capable. If we associate exercise with punishment then it will be hard to ever learn to enjoy it. No one ever enjoys punishment. 

This workout is a fun way to incorporate the holiday into your workout. Maybe you'd prefer to run a 5K turkey trot in your community or take a walk with your family after dinner. Maybe Thanksgiving Day will be your rest day and once things settle down, you'll go for a run or do Yoga to clear your head after a busy weekend. Move your body in a way that you enjoy and is meaningful to you. Be thankful for that pumping heart, that healthy body and those two strong legs that carry you through a workout.

The Turkey Burner Running Workout - Save to Pinterest for Later! Download a Printable PDF of this workout.

The Turkey Burner Running Workout - Save to Pinterest for Later! Download a Printable PDF of this workout.


The appetizer is your warm up. Pre-heat your body just like you would the stove. Take as much time as you need to get warm before getting into the workout. Walk or jog for a few minutes before you start to burn the turkey. I recommend this dynamic warm up before starting any running workout.


Let's get that turkey burning. In case you haven't figured it out yet, you're the turkey in this scenerio. Ha. Run for 30 seconds at near max effort. It should feel hard to get through the 30 seconds, you should be breathing heavily, unable to speak complete sentences, maybe you can get a word out between breaths. You're working hard. 

Then slow to a brisk walk or an easy jog for 90 seconds. Allow your heart-rate to come back back down. Those 90 seconds go by fast, get ready to repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 work and 4 rest intervals. 


How do you feel? Let's gobble this main course! Start off with three minutes of an easy jog followed by three minutes at a moderate pace. You should working hard at a moderate pace, but not so hard that you can't maintain it for three minutes. This is not an all-out pace. You should be able to get a few words or a sentence out between breaths, but should be breathing too heavily to have a full conversation without taking gasps of air. 

Recover for two minutes with a brisk walk or jog and prepare to up the pace again. For your next work interval you will move a little faster than your three minute work interval, but less than an all-out pace. You should be working hard, but moving at a pace that you can maintain for two minutes. 

You have one minute to recover with a jog or brisk walk before burning up the turkey with your final working minute. Your last work interval should be close to an all-out max effort. It's your last push, make it count. 


Whew, you did it! Now it's time to recover and bring that heart-rate back down to normal. Walk until you are breathing normally again. 

If you want to learn more about how to pace yourself based on the talk-test, check out this blog post for more clarity. It's important that you always work at your own fitness level. Please never try to follow arbitrary paces from workouts on the internet. If you pace your work intervals using the talk-test you will always be sure to work at your own fitness level. Pushing the pace outside of your current fitness levels can lead to injuries. Just say no to internet workouts that assign specific paces for your run intervals. 


Be sure to recover after hard workouts. Remember that it is during rest (not during the workout) that we get stronger and faster. If you don't allow your body the time to recover from hard workouts you won't ever see the true potential from your efforts. Run easy or rest a day or two after hard interval workouts like this one. Don't attempt hard workouts back to back. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep and fuel your body with healthy carbs, proteins and fats for best results. 

Questions? I'd love to help. 


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Ditch the Food Rules for More Freedom, Health and Happiness

Nutrition can be tricky. It seems like you should be able to follow a bunch of food rules to reach all your body composition goals. There are a lot of diets out there that promise health, happiness and six pack abs: There's Paleo (high protein, low carb), Ketogenic (high fat, extremely low carb), low fat diets, low carb diets, high fat diets and high protein diets. What's the best one? The answer depends. 

Every body is different. The diet that your co-worker's best friend's little sister swears by, may not be the miracle diet for you. In fact, following a diet at all can be determinantal to long-term success. People that follow diets tend to go on and off of them, which leads to weight loss, then weight gain. The yo-yo dieting can be worse for your health and waistline than if you never dieted at all. 

ditch the food rules.png

The problem with rules is that rules are made to be broken. As soon as you tell yourself you can't have carbs, it seems everyone is passing the rolls, ordering pizza and having birthday celebrations with cake.

We are human and we tend to want what we can't have. Sure, you could buckle down with hard-core discipline. That may even work for awhile, but when we are looking for long-term success, we have to think long term. Is it sane and sustainable? Anyone can white-knuckle their way to weight loss over four to twelve weeks. People do it all the time. But if you place strict restrictions on what you can eat, most people will eventually break and the weight comes back plus more. 

I am also not suggesting that you eat whatever you want all the time, with no regard for health. The secret is finding the balance between what is healthy and nourishing for your body, what you enjoy and what tastes good. We want to enjoy our life but we also want to meet our body composition goals. 

We also want to spend quality time at meals with friends and family (and we all know that rarely happens over steamed broccoli and kale). Health is not just what you eat. Spending quality time with family, cultivating loving relationships and spending time with other humans is also a part of a healthy lifestyle. If you restrict your food choices so much that it becomes difficult to eat meals with other people, you may have taken it too far. 


I am naturally an all-or-nothing thinker. It took me a lot years and a lot of pounds lost and regained to overcome this mindset. I work hard to not look at food as good or bad. Some foods are more nutrient-dense and nourishing, but some foods are good in other ways, like they are delicious or are a part of cultural traditions or celebrations. 

I want to make healthy choices that support my goals but I also want to enjoy my life. How do I find that balance? I try to make food choices on a continuum. There is not a black-and-white good-or-bad choice. Whenever faced with a food choice that is less than optimal, I think, how can I make this choice a little better? 

I'm with friends and they ordered a pizza. I happen to love pizza and I am starving. How can I make this choice a little better? Maybe I can order a side salad to eat alongside my pizza. Maybe I can pick off the pepperoni. Maybe I can limit myself to two slices instead of the usual four. Maybe I'll remember how my tummy feels the next day and forgo it altogether. Maybe not. 

It's about being mindful of your choices and making the best of the situation. Enjoy the pizza. It's part of life. Be mindful that it is an indulgence to enjoy but not overindulge. You see the difference? 


But we're human and sometimes we start eating the pizza and it's just so good and it's just sitting there, like, staring at you to eat another piece. So you do. And another. And another. It happens. It happens to me (I never claimed to be perfect). And you know what? It's not the end of the world. You didn't blow your diet. All your goals are not circling the drain. You're human. You made a mistake. Move on. It's the clean slate approach. You don't have to workout extra long the next day or skip your next meal. You don't have to give up all together and decide you already blew it, you might as well eat poorly for the rest of the day, weekend or week and start over Monday. One poor choice does not change anything. Just pick back up from where you left off and start over. Every meal is a new fresh start. One overindulgence doesn't ruin everything. It happens. Move on.

If you feel like you may have a binge eating disorder when you lose control and can't stop yourself from overeating on a regular basis, I suggest you work with a Registered Dietitian.These things can be challenging to overcome on your own, it shows great strength to ask for help. I can recommend a RD in Fort Worth who is experienced helping people in these situations. 


I try to pass my food choices through the sane and sustainable test. Is it sane? is it sustainable? I mean, you could do the seven day cabbage soup diet, but it is neither practical, sane or sustainable over the long term. Any weight lost on short-term crash diets is usually gained back plus more for good measure. It may be tempting to try the latest fad diet, but before starting anything new consider if it is a long-term solution for fat loss. 

Is it better to lose twenty pounds in twelve weeks on a strict diet that you gain back twelve weeks after that? Or is is better to lose twenty pounds in twenty or even thirty weeks that stays off for life. The common-sense, slow, long-term approach is the way to permanent fat loss. 


We are often looking for the next solution to try. What's the latest diet? What's the latest supplement or new workout? Will this fat loss shake help me lose weight? (#protip There's no such thing as a fat loss shake.) People are often looking for the next quick fix, the new food rules or miracle weight loss solution while overlooking the core principles of fat loss. Even experienced health and fitness enthusiasts fall into this trap.

Make sure you are covering the basics. Are you moving on a regular basis in a way that feels good for your body? Are you consistently eating mostly whole foods from nature while allowing some room for indulgences? Are you sleeping seven to eight hours a night? Are you listening to the hunger and satiety signals that your body sends? Are you eating slow and mindfully? 

The beauty of cultivating healthy habits is once something becomes a habit, it is just something that you do, like brushing your teeth. You don't usually need to find motivation to brush your teeth, it is just something that is on auto-pilot in your life. Your lifestyle and healthy food choices can be on auto-pilot too. You just have to be willing to take the time to cultivate the habits.

Developing healthy habits is not a quick fix. It's not a lose twenty pounds in eight weeks plan. When you return to the basics, take things slow, re-learn how to listen to your body, teach your brain to perform healthy habits on autopilot, everything changes. You learn to the fuel your body in the way that it needs. You learn to enjoy healthy foods without giving up all your favorite foods. Your body responds by returning to its optimal state. All it takes is time, patience and persistence. 

Does this sound right for you? Do you like this sane and sustainable approach to health and fitness? Are you ready to make changes to your core habits? Are you willing to take it slow with a common-sense approach that really works when you stick with it over the long term? Are you willing to try and make mistakes and then try again? Are you willing to start over at your next meal with a clean slate? If so, my online nutrition program may be the perfect match for you. 

I am running a one time only black Friday sale! Save 50% off off the monthly cost when you purchase six months in advance. I am only accepting six applicants at this insanely reduced cost. The price will never be lower. You can choose your start date of December 1st or January 1st. Finally make New Year Resolutions you can keep with nutrition habits coaching. I am here to help you reach all your 2018 health and fitness goals. Get your name on the list to get notified on Black Friday. 

Have questions? I'd love to help!

Coach Lea

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Like this post? It helps me when you share with your friends and followers. 

Like this post? It helps me when you share with your friends and followers. 













I love online shopping. I love Amazon. I love shopping in my underwear. I love when I buy something online, forget about it and then it shows up on my doorstep like a surprise Christmas present to myself. I even make money through online shopping. I am an Amazon affiliate, so that means if I recommend something on this blog and you purchase it on Amazon, I make a small percentage of the sale. Online shopping is awesome in so many ways. 

With that being said, there is one product that I think everyone should buy from a local specialty store, running shoes. I see it all the time in online posts "Looking for recommendations: I'm in the market for a new pair of running shoes, what are your favorite shoes?" 

The problem with that is that one person's favorite shoe could be another person's detriment. People have different running mechanics and therefore different needs in a running shoe. It's best to visit your local store and work with a knowledgeable store associate or coach to determine the best shoe for your unique running needs.



There is no one best running shoe. The best running shoe is one that is comfortable, fits well, provides the appropriate amount of support and cushioning for the individual runner. An associate at a running store can help you make a selection.

neutral shoes


Neutral shoes allow your foot to pronate naturally when you run. Neutral shoes are best for runners with normal to high arches who don't overpronate. Some examples of neutral running shoes are Brooks Ghost, New Balance 880, Asics Gel Cumulus and Mizuno Wave Rider.


Stability shoes are best for runners who have normal to low arches with mild to moderate overpronation. This means their foot rolls inward more than normal and requires some support on the (inside) arch of the shoes to control overpronation. Some examples of stability shoes are Brooks Adrenaline, Asics Gel Kayano, New Balance 860 and Mizuno Wave Inspire.


Motion control shoes are best for runners with flat feet and severe overpronation. These shoes do what they say, they control the motion of the foot to avoid severe overpronation. Examples include the Brooks Ariel and the Brooks Beast. 





Visit your local running store to get a shoe fitting by an expert. You will have the chance to try them out in-store, find the right shoe for your running mechanics and support the local businesses in your community. It may be tempting to buy last year's model on an online discount store, but without the opportunity to try them out and receive guidance from an expert, you could end up in the wrong shoe.


Generally speaking, you should buy your running shoes 1/2 size to one full size bigger than your street shoes (that is, if you want to keep all your toenails). I wear a size eight in my dress shoes and a size nine in my running shoes. The rule of thumb (pun intended) is there should be about a thumb width of space between where your toes end and your shoe ends. Your toes should not be restricted or rub against the shoe. Your feet can swell a little when you run, so you want to make sure your shoe has the space to accommodate to avoid blisters and black toenails. 


Buy your shoes later in the day after you've been walking around for a while or after a run. Wear the same types of socks you will wear when running. Your feet can swell a little when running, so it's best to try to replicate running conditions as closely as possible when trying on shoes. Run in them at the store if possible. 


A general rule is to replace your running shoes about every 500 miles. After you've been pounding the pavement for a while your shoes start to lose their shock-absorbing qualities and can lead to injuries. Your body will usually let you know when it's time to replace by introducing you to new aches and pains. If you run 20 miles a week, it's probably a good idea to replace them every six months. Some runners will claim they can run in the same shoes for years without a problem, but those cases are outliers. I wouldn't recommend it. 


If you run every day, it can be a good idea to alternate between two pairs of running shoes. Different shoes with different wear patterns can change the way you strike the ground, even in subtle ways. Simply changing shoes every other day can help decrease the chance of repetitive use injuries. 


In case you haven't noticed, running shoes can be expensive, so don't needlessly wear them out by wearing them for work or errands. Athletic shoes that are not specific to running are usually less expensive. Buy less expensive pair of gym shoes for everyday wear and save your running shoes for running. Once you've run in your shoes for 500 miles, you could stop wearing them for runs and start wearing them as your daily shoe in order to get the most out of them.

As a side note, it's generally not a good idea to wear your running shoes for other fitness activities outside of running, like classes at the gym, boot camps or CrossFit. Running shoes are built to protect your foot when running in a forward motion and do not provide adequate support for lateral moves. Buy a pair of cross-trainers for your exercise classes. 


Once you find the right fit, you may try a few different brands and choose your favorite. While a lot of runners have brand preferences, the colors and fashion statement of the shoe should be the last consideration when purchasing running shoes. Make sure it fits properly and supports your running mechanics, then choose the brand if you have a preference, and lastly the color. You can choose to express your funky style in your compression socks.

If you've never been fitted for running shoes, pinky swears to me that you'll hit your local running store for your next pair of shoes. It is an investment in your sport, your health, and your community. Are you in? 

Questions? I'd love to help.

Like this post? It helps me when you share with your friends and followers. 

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